16 Oct

Non-Diamond Engagement Rings


The Beauty of Non-Diamond Engagement Rings

Is your soulmate one to skip to her own beat? Than you may want to consider non-diamond engagement rings. With brilliant marketing campaigns, such as “diamonds are forever”, and their stunning beauty, diamonds have been typically perceived as the norm for engagement rings. However, this hasn’t always been the case. In fact, prior to the 1930’s, other gemstones were often the centerpiece for engagement rings. At Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers, we’ll take a look at several non-diamond alternatives and why someone may opt to choose a precious gemstone for their engagement ring.

So why consider a non-diamond engagement ring? For one, you may have a family heirloom gemstone you can custom fit it as an engagement ring. This shows true love spanning generations and makes for a unique and deeply personal connection with the ring. You may opt to choose a ring based your bride-to-be’s birthstone.

Our SK Sapphire Diamond Engagement Ring

This beautiful example of displaying a birthstone (Sapphire is September’s birthstone) as the centerpiece of an engagement ring.

Non-Diamond Engagement Ring - Sapphire Three Stone Ring in Platinum

Furthermore, precious gemstones typically have various metaphysical properties. One common example, which is a Roberto Coin motif, is the ruby (specifically touching the skin of the bearer). The ruby, worn close to the skin, is said to “promoted long life, health and happiness and even today it is believed to possess these magic powers including the extraordinary ability to give peace” (Roberto Coin). Or, you may simply just want to be unique and use a non-diamond gemstone. Either way, there are plenty of alternatives.

Make sure to stop by Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers to see how we can help you find, build and guide you to the perfect engagement ring!


Stop by Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers today to see our beautiful collection of both diamond & non-diamond engagement rings.

12 Jul

The Knot – Diamond Engagement Rings

Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers is excited to announce we are now on The Knot!

the knot - schwanke-kasten jewelers

Since 1997, 25 million couples have trusted The Knot for wedding planning. Furthermore, their intuitive platform alleviates stress with a step-by-step checklist, assisting anyone looking for engagement rings or the newly engaged in planning every detail to ensure their day is perfect.

Moreover, we think this is a perfect fit to showcase our stunning line of signature mountings and wedding bands. In addition, supply great ideas for bridal jewelry or special gifts for the wedding party.

Stop by our Whitefish Bay store to see our complete selection of jewelry and gift ideas. In addition, see our favorite settings on our storefront sites on The Knot:

–  Jewelers (Wedding Bands and Engagement Rings) – Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers Whitefish Bay

Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers Downtown – Jewelers (Wedding Bands and Engagement Rings)

Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers Whitefish Bay – Wedding Jewelry & Gifts

–  Wedding Jewelry & Gifts – Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers Downtown

In fact, we hope that through The Knot we are able to make your engagement and wedding process as memorable as possible.

09 May

Diamonds Throughout History | Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers

Two monumental diamond sales already slated in 2017, so we decided to take an in-depth look into diamond history.  We are going a step further and examining stories behind some of the more famous stones as well.

The Origins – Diamond History

The G.I.A., the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones and pearls, states diamond history can be set as early as the 4th century BC in India, when diamonds were given value. (G.I.A. – “Diamond History Lore”). Various trade routes, helped diamond appear in countries like France and Italy. By the 14th century, diamonds had become the fashion norm across Europe, and the importance of diamond cutting emerged in Venice (CBS – “Diamond History”). The supply source in India declined, due to demand, which caused the value to increase.  This demand obviously led explorers and entrepreneurs to venture elsewhere. And in the 1700’s, Brazil became a powerhouse in the diamond industry. They dominated the market place for over 150 years (G.I.A.)!

The Modern Diamond Industry

In 1866 miners discovered a large deposit of diamonds in Kimberly, South Africa. This began the modern diamond industry. Hence the name Kimberlite tunnels. One of the most famous diamonds, Star of South Africa, was unearthed three years later. Originally an 83.5 carat rough diamond, was cut to a 47.69 carat pear-shaped diamond, and traded for “500 hundred sheep, ten oxen and a horse” (Famous Diamonds – “Star of South Africa Diamond”). Then, in 1888, a young entrepreneur named Cecil Rhodes established the De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited, which at one point “controlled up to 90% of rough diamond production in the world”.

De Beers

“In the 1870’s, annual production of rough diamond was well under a million carats. By the 1920’s, the figure was around three million carats. Fifty years later, annual production approached 50 million carats, and in the 1990’s it surpassed 100 million carats per year”, (G.I.A.). Prior to 1947, engagement rings rarely used diamonds. It wasn’t until the De Beers hired N.W. Ayer (an advertising agency) to come-up with the world-famous slogan, “A Diamond is Forever”, that the diamond marketplace changed forever. This slogan was so effective that Ad Age deemed it the slogan of the century. According to The Atlantic, in the proceeding 40 years, “De Beers’ wholesale diamond sales in the United States increased from $23 million to $2.1 billion (U.S.D.)”.

Current Market

Australia, Botswana, Russia, Congo Republic, Canada, South Africa and India produce the majority of natural diamonds. For more incredible stories behind many famous diamonds, we recommend checking out this site. In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers’ expansive diamond jewelry selection and G.I.A. certified diamond engagement rings. Rings that reflect the beauty of your true love.

This link is a brief timeline of the history of some very famous diamonds.

Hope you enjoyed!

15 Jan

Find Her Ring – Engagement Ring Styles

How Do You Find Her Ring?

Congrats you found your soulmate!  You know what comes next.  You need to find her ring! Which ring works for her? Where it’s going to happen, what you’re going to say, how you’re going to keep it a secret from her, and – of course –  which engagement rings to buy.

There may be some anxiety about the engagement ring.  Let’s face it: it’s not something you typically buy and you likely feel way out of your comfort zone.  But buying her the perfect ring doesn’t have to be stressful.  Consider these tips on how to make the best decision possible.

Engagement Rings Jewelry Box

  1. Go into stealth mode:  It’s time to to secretly discover what kind of jewelry she generally likes. What’s her style?  The best way to approach this step is to sneak into her bedroom and look at the jewelry she already owns.  Take a camera with you and snap some photos of the items in her jewelry box, particularly her rings.  Make sure you get some good close-ups.
  2. Get into the loop:  If you’re going for a “complete surprise” approach you may have to think about who to include (or not include) in this step, but the goal here is to talk those people in her life who know her best, particularly those people who know her sense of style.  Connect with her mother, her sisters, her best friends and ask them what they think she’d like.  Visit the Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers website and review the engagement rings together to help with the process.
  3. She knows what she likes:  You may be in a situation where she know’s it coming.  Perhaps the surprise isn’t IF you’re going to ask the “big question,” but WHEN and HOW.  If this is the case you may want to consider letting her give you some input and suggestions about the engagement ring.  Go window browsing together and show her the engagement rings at one of our Schwanke-Kasten locations, and let her give you some ideas about what she likes (and doesn’t like).